Fotozine “Žičani okidač” : ISSN 1334-0352 : s vama od 6. 6. 1998



upamti me
trenutno prisutni:

the promise..

© copyright 2007 - 2024 cinca

the promise..

[kratica stranice: ←permalink]
If you wait for me

then I'll come for you

although I've traveled far

I always hold a place for you in my


If you think of me

If you miss me once in awhile

Then I'll return to you

I'll return and fill that space in your



Your touch

Your kiss

your warm embrace

I'll find my way back to you

If you'll be waiting

If you dream of me

Like I dream of you

In a place that's warm and dark

In the place where I can feel the

beating of your heart


Your touch

Your kiss

your warm embrace

I'll find my way back to you

If you'll be waiting

I've longed for you

And I have desired

To see your face your smile

To be with you wherever you are


Your touch

Your kiss

your warm embrace

I'll find my way back to you

Please say you'll be waiting

Together again

It would feel so good to be

In your arms

Where all my journeys end

If you can make a promise

If it's one that you can keep

I vow to come for you

If you wait for me

And say you'll hold

A place for me

In your heart


[12. 06. 2007.]

prava klasika :-)

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